The team behind Launceston Community Development Trust’s (Launceston CDT) first project has been continuing to make headway through the current times, making some exciting progress towards our next milestone – achieving planning permission. During the first lockdown, Launceston CDT submitted their first application for planning and over the next 3 months we followed a range of comments and as expected they were not all positive. We have taken each and every comment in our stride and we have looked to make amendments where we can – as a result of this, we decided to withdraw our application and re-submit with each of the comments we received being noted in some way or another.

“The whole reason I became involved in the scheme is to try to give something to the people of Launceston from all that I have been able to learn. This project aims to bring affordable housing to those who need it most and benefit our community for years to come. We have taken a site that has inherent difficulties and been able to put forward a plan which would allow for its development to benefit local people and families enabling them to get onto the housing ladder. Through the hard work of all those involved we hope to be able to offer 28 affordable homes in a community that aims to bring its residence together in an environment that will be beneficial to not just those that live there but the community of Launceston as a whole.” - Conrad Grundy, Director of LCDT.
The community-led scheme will provide something for everyone in our town. Adding to several education and training opportunities, building on offers from local support groups & combining them with the recognised health and wellbeing benefits of being in nature. Launceston CDT is engaging with a number of partners who will help us to produce a space that will greatly impact the community. As we progress towards our planning re-submission we have begun to think more about the next steps and that includes the allocation of each of our homes. We have already heard from so many people, registering their interest in both the properties and the community orchard. Soon we will re-engage with each of you and initiate the next step of finding 28 local families new homes.